Injured Worker v. Long Beach Unified School District, SIBTF

Practice Area: SIBTFWorkers Compensation
Date: April 22nd, 2024
Outcome: SIBTF award for 100% disability (Estimated value in excess of $500,000)

The injured worker sustained an industrial injury to her left ankle on 9/8/1997, while employed as a teacher at Long Beach Unified School District. This injury was settled by stipulation at 52% permanent disability on 3/9/2016. On 6/5/1998, the worker suffered another industrial injury, affecting his cervical spine, lumbar spine, right knee, right shoulder, and causing hypertension. This injury was also settled by stipulation at 53% permanent disability on 3/9/2016.

Subsequently, Silberman & Lam, LLP filed a Subsequent Injuries Benefits Trust Fund (SIBTF) claim, as the applicant had preexisting conditions, including issues with the chronic headaches, right leg, left leg, urinary stress incontinence, obstructive sleep apnea (OSA), hemorrhoids, and gastritis. On 4/23/2024, Silberman & Lam, LLP secured a 100% disability award from the SIBTF.

The applicant was awarded back benefits amounting to $260,273.08, along with ongoing benefits of $577.15 per week, subject to annual cost-of-living adjustments (COLA). Based on average life expectancy, the award’s present value is estimated at $500,000.00.