When police officers or peace officers suffer injuries or become sick because of their work, they should not have to worry about how they will manage to pay their medical bills and other expenses. They should have the right to expect that they will receive fair workers’ compensation benefits.
A skilled San Diego police officer workers’ compensation lawyer could help an injured member of law enforcement obtain their rightful benefits and focus on healing. Our dedicated workers comp attorneys are waiting to help you pursue the restitution you deserve.
Police officers and other peace officers frequently put themselves in harm’s way. Sometimes, injuries occur through accidents. For example, traffic cops who work on foot are at risk of being struck by a car. Other police officers suffer injuries in police cruiser or motorcycle crashes, slips and falls, or other accidents.
Sometimes, police officers are hurt through intentional violent acts. Police officers occasionally get caught up in the middle of domestic assaults, robberies, or other crimes. Gunshots, stabbings, and violent assaults can lead to serious injuries.
Seasoned San Diego attorneys have helped police officers who have suffered injuries in any of these situations pursue favorable case outcomes and worker’s comp benefits.
When police officers suffer serious injuries, there are often many repercussions. Some injuries require extensive medical care, leading to prolonged absences from work. A hardworking lawyer in San Diego would work tirelessly to see that an injured police officer receives the full extent of worker’s compensation benefits that they need to keep their life on track.
California law recognizes that police officers and other public safety workers are at a higher risk of sustaining certain types of injuries than people in most other professions. Consequently, unlike with most workplace injuries, police officers and other peace officers may have a lower threshold to demonstrate how their job contributed to their injury. If a police officer gets hurt on the job, California law recognizes that there is a legal presumption that the injured officer suffered a job-related injury or illness. With that presumption, the officer is then eligible to collect workers’ compensation benefits.
Some of the conditions recognized under this system include:
If an officer has any questions about whether their injury makes them eligible for workers comp benefits, they should consult with a seasoned San Diego attorney. Additionally, if an officer suffers another type of illness or injury that is not considered presumptive, they could work with an attorney to prove how their condition is job related.
If you suffered an injury while working in law enforcement, let a San Diego police officer workers’ compensation lawyer help you. They have a proven track record of helping injured police officers and their families recover what they deserve.
Our team also has experience helping resolve many of the complications associated with worker’s compensation claims. Contact the office today to review the details of your injury.