If you were injured on the job, you probably have many questions about what you should do next and how you will pay your bills and provide for your family while you are out of work. You may have heard of workers’ compensation but do not know how it might benefit you, or if you are even eligible.
You may have been involved in a single devastating accident and find yourself incapacitated, or you might have suffered harm over time. California recognizes many scenarios allowing you to receive benefits but there are complicated rules involved with collecting them. If you were hurt at work, notify your supervisor immediately: California’s window to report an accident is 30 days. Then, contact a seasoned workers’ compensation attorney. A legal professional understands workers’ compensation benefits in Fresno and could assist in getting what you deserve.
California Labor Code Section 3700 requires all employers to provide workers’ compensation insurance benefits to full and part-time employees. This insurance extends benefits to employees who have been injured suddenly, such as in construction accidents, explosions, and vehicle accidents, but also to those with job-related illnesses that worsen over time, such as lung disease from working with asbestos. Employees may also be eligible for benefits for harm caused by stress linked to the job.
Employers do not need to be responsible for an employee’s injury for them to file a claim. Still, employers may discourage filing claims because they do not want their insurance premiums to go up.
California law forbids retaliation or discrimination against any employee who files a workers’ compensation claim, misses work because of a job injury, or testifies for another injured employee who makes a workers’ compensation claim.
However, employees terminated for reasons unrelated to a workplace injury may not be able to file for benefits after receiving termination papers. A skilled lawyer in Fresno could sort through the specifics of an employee’s accident to determine how to proceed with a workers’ compensation benefits claim.
California does not just allocate benefits to employees injured or who become ill on the job. Some employees become permanently disabled, and some die from workplace injuries. The state recognizes the needs of these workers and their families. Benefits could include:
Rules surrounding the application for workers’ compensation benefits make the process complicated. A Fresno legal representative could ensure an individual meets the deadlines and submits appropriate paperwork.
You earn your paycheck and provide for your family without worrying about any potential downsides. Your employer follows safety protocols, and you are careful to comply. But sometimes, injuries happen. California’s comprehensive workers’ compensation laws could help you recover and not worry about your financial situation.
Benefits after a workplace injury or illness are not automatic. There are a few different deadlines to consider and a claims adjuster could turn down your application. If you were injured at work, call us for a consultation concerning how we can help you apply for workers’ compensation benefits in Fresno.